
Showing posts from 2017

Once Upon a Time, Before Digital & Cell Phone Cameras, There Were These Things Called "Contact Sheets"...

Look - A Certificate of Merit! Can't remember if this was an actual award or a participation trophy.

Still from Film - Something on the ceiling looks very interesting

Done as a Play in Toronto - With Nudity!

In Omaha they compared the stage version to Camelot! Really!

Hey, wait a sec-- Those guys weren't in the film!...

Friends In Film Interview

From the USA Film Festival Catalogue (Dallas) - 1993

Framline Audience Award - 1991

Screenshot from Movie - Terry Curry Flexes His Acting Muscles

Bay Area Reporter Prints Todd Stites's Picture but calls him Terry Curry - Oops!

Screenshot from Movie - Bryan telling Brian, "It's this big..."

Screenshot From Movie - The Ol' Two-Faces-Merging-As-One Shot

Berlin's Teddy Award 1992 - I know, it looks just like a normal Teddy Bear. Weird, right?

Me & Jane Campion (one of my heroes!) Share a Centerfold

Premiere at Frameline Film Festival - San Francisco 1991

Controversy! People actually argued about the film.

Acceptance Letter and Tickets to Frameline's Film Fest - World Premiere

Interview in Out Magazine, Toronto

Newspaper Ad for Benefit Screening

Winner - Audience Award - SF Gay & Lesbian Film Festival - 1991

The Fancy Lighting & Sound Set-Up

A Page from the 1991 Toronto Film Fest Program

Highest Per-Screen Average in US-Canada for 2 weeks, Sept.1992

Hometown Reviews - L.A. Times, L.A. Weekly

Pull-quotes (oddly, they're all positive)

They Couldn't Stop Talking About Us In Toronto!

The "Trophy" from the Torino Film Festival - A little creepy, but still, a win.

Notice for Gay Film Festival screening in Los Angeles

Flyer for Benefit Screening

Casting Notice and then about a year and a half later... Notice of Film Fest Screening

Todd Stites wondering, "Why did I agree to do this film?"

Terry Curry asking, "You want me to do what?"

Todd Stites wondering when he's going to get paid.